You ride this regular car
me in my seat, off course
th rest, behind
me, by your side
Last night
we smoke a lot here
I was gazing stars
with my finger
with the halo of the street dust
I gave you my eyes so many times
'cause my soul was shouting
for yours
I know we can't be together
I know it all
I just like to imagine
if this was my seat
Are you acting like me?
'Cause I've learnt to act like you
Don't you realize that I was trying to kiss you
when I got away from you
after telling you about him?
Are you feeling in the same way?
I just like to dream
that this is my seat
by the side of the love of my life?
the seat of my life?
But the question is:
Would you allow me to seat here 'til the end of times?
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